Welcome to New Hope

Welcome! It is so good to have you here. This is the perfect place to find out more about us and the Lord whom we serve.

By Biblical mandate, our Church, a community of faith will Proclaim God’s Message to a Fallen World, (John 3:16, Luke 19:10);
Model what God Intends for the World, (1 Peter 2:9-10, John 13:35, I Cor. 11:26);
Provide a Foretaste of what God promises will come. (1 Cor. 2:9-10, Rev. 21)

As we journey from salvation to Lordship under the authority of Scripture, our values as a faith community are Every Member a Believer, Every Believer a Disciple, Every Disciple a Minister.

We seek to do Ministry that reaches out and impacts in greater measure the Community of which we are a part, by… Witnessing to our Community that God Loves, Strategically Pursue and Develop Opportunities for outreach through service and evangelism.

We will focus on Families with Intentional Ministries that Values Families and their felt Needs;  Intentional Outreach and targeting toward those families that are raising children, and teens. Supportive of a Senior Adult Ministry that Values those who forms the Core of our Church

We will passionately work to make our worship inspiringrelevant, and creative. Our Worship will look up to our God with reverence and across the aisle to our brother or sister with love and understanding.

Take some time to read through the "About Us" section and you will be introduced to Pastor Young, our church history and vision statement.

In the "Connect" section, you will find links to Bible study and other resources to get connected. You can watch Pastor Young's messages when you hover over 'Watch Now' as well as hear archived messages. Be sure to visit the site on a regular basis as new features are constantly being added. Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. You can fill out the contact form or you can call the church at 916-452-1379. Office Hours are 8:30 am -  3:30 pm,  Monday-Thursday.

We are praying that God will speak to you in a personal way during your experience on our website. As He speaks, you may become aware of a personal commitment to Him.  We invite you to visit our church, respond the Lord's calling and come forward to the front of the worship center.  We will welcome you with open arms and our trained commitment counselors will be happy to assist you.

We are a very friendly church where you will fit right in. We are a traditional church, but business casual dress is encouraged and you will see it worn by the pastor and many others. We have a children's church for adolescent children (unfortunately, not for infants) which meets in our fellowship hall during the regular service. The children are taught Bible stories and musical numbers and they are included in the musical presentations given by the children's choir. They have time for recreation and snacks, as well. Visitors are welcome.

Should you wish to simply visit and then come back on other occasions, we welcome you as well. We pray that you receive a spiritual blessing. We are always thankful and filled with joy by the presence of others who come and share with us.  After the first time you visit, please do not consider yourself a stranger. Come again and come often. Remember, Jesus said, "Come to me who are weary and carry burdens and I will give you rest".  Matthew 11:28.

May the Lord Bless you in a special way.